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  • Tournament Team - Philotimo Freestyle Jujitsu

All ages Tournament +
Competition Squad
(The Hunters)

Basic Plan

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From 2011 to 2019, the Philotimo Tournament Squad reigned supreme over a number of national martial arts competitions. We were fortunate to boast one or more national and state title Champions every single year. From here some of our elite students have been invited to train in single style competitions and have continued to do well and make the squad proud.

Tournament team is a great way to compete when you don’t like team sports, but you still like being part of a team. It is also a terrific way to gain ATAR points or early entry into university and we strongly encourage girls and their parents to use Tournament team as a way of staying on top of their martial arts training and committed all the way through high school. All of our top athletes have also scored scholarships when applying for University. It is totally worth joining for so many different reasons.

We also run our very own All-Girls competition, where girls from all styles of martial arts are invited to come and compete in round-robin style events. These comps are extremely low cost, ensuring there is no barrier for girls of all backgrounds to attend.

Girls are also supported to coach, referee and mentor under the care and guidance of some of Australia’s top coaches and judges of various styles. The only way we will see more women on the mats in senior referee and judge roles is to provide a safe space for them to learn and become confident in their skills.
Now that 2020 is over and things are beginning to look normal again, competitions will start back up.

If you would like your dojo to participate in our next all girls competition, just reach out to us via the contact page. All styles are welcome.
